********************************************************** ************* Important Instructions Follow ************ ********************************************************** All files exported to: C:\EMA\ExportFolder\0\197103\Output\KiCAD\KiCAD\symbols.lib After you have used Ultra Librarian to export library: ************************************************** **To import your new library symbols into KiCad:** ************************************************** 1. Open KiCad. 2. On the program/tool list, go to Eeschema. 3. Select *Preferences* from the menu bar then select *Library*. 4. Click *Add* and choose the newly exported *.LIB* file. 5. You have now successfully imported your new symbol library! ************************************************************** **To import your new library footprints/patterns into KiCad:** ************************************************************** 1. Open KiCad. 2. On the program/tool list, go to Pcbnew. 3. Follow the same steps as you would importing symbols, only this time select the *.kicad_mod* file. 4. You have now successfully imported your new footprint/pattern.